Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our new addition to the family!

We got a new puppy yesterday! His name is Bandit and he's 4 months old. He's an Australian Shepherd/Lab mix and he's super cute. He's been following us around everywhere. He's fitting in pretty good although Scooby is a little unsure of him. I think he's jealous that Dave is paying attention to a new puppy and not just him.

Here are some pictures of Bandit playing with his puppy teething key ring. So cute!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I just wanted to update about me and to wish everyone Happy Easter.

It's been three weeks and I'm doing better. I'm trying to not let myself sink into depression like last time and am working with Dave on getting the house done.

We're almost done on Dad's room and then we can start on the guest bathroom. Our house is so close to being finished.

As for the doctor update. My appointment is April 10th. From there most likely we'll be scheduling tests and finding out the cause of all the losses. We're hoping to be able to start TTC again this summer. Hopefully my doctor can help us have a baby. It's heartbreaking for both of us to not have a child together after four pregnancies. Something has to give. I'll update after my doctor's appointment.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

We lost the baby :(

I just wanted to update and let everyone know that I had my baby yesterday morning. I went to the hospital Wednesday with contractions and was immediately taken to L/D and was given medicine to stop the contractions. The medicine wasn't helping so I was transfered to the high risk hospital Thursday.

The medicine they gave me wasn't helping either and then my water started leaking. They did an ultrasound to check the baby and found no heartbeat. I had my cerclage removed and delivered a few hours later. He was a little boy we named him Trent Michael he was beautiful and perfect. He looked so much like his daddy. I'm devastated to be in the position again in my life.

I go back to my high risk OB in 6 weeks to start testing why this keeps happening to me.