Monday, June 18, 2007

Short Vacation

Well I've been gone all weekend long. Dad, Dave and I drove up to my Mom's house this weekend for a pig roast. My sisters Candy and Michelle where there with their families as well as other various family members and lots of my mom and stepdad's friends.

It was a long drive friday after work considering I didn't get to bed until 3 am that morning and was back up at 5:30 to get ready for work. Then driving 4 hours to northern PA with 2 dogs was no picnic lol. We did get back fairly early sunday so we were able to relax.

Today (my day off at work) was spent trying to mow the lawn, We have an acre of ground that needs to be mowed horribly. I broke one mower (blew a fuse or something) the other got something stuck around the blades so I had to wait until Dave got home to help me fix it. We we only got part of the yard mowed. I did start mowing around the trees and fences with the push mower. My back aches now LOL. We'll have to finish later.

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