Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just wanted to post an update since it's been forever. We've finished our guest bathroom. It looks great. I'll post a photo when I finish touching up everything.

Our garden is doing great. We've got squash, zuchinni, cucumbers, and peppers coming out of our ears lol. We're still waiting for the green beans, tomatoes, corn, and watermelons to ripen. I'm probably going to can some jalepenos next week or so. They are growing out of control. Dave's happy he loves jalepenos. (yuck) so it would be nice to get a few jars put up from this years crop.

We've also started on the kitchen. We have to do it in pieces but part of the floor has been replaced and we bought the lumber to raise the ceiling. I'm so excited once this is done we can start planning and building cabinets! I'm getting completly custom cabinets made by Dave and I just can't wait to have all that storage space!

Once the kitchen is done we'll only have to do the mudroom and pantry and that section of the house will be done. Then all that's left is the laundry room, both master bathrooms, our bedroom, and the basement! WOO HOO we're so close to being done.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Root Canal

Can I just say that having a root canal on Friday the 13th is just freaky. That's right I had a root canal on friday the 13th. I was scared to death everyone I know told me that it was going to hurt horribly. So Dave and I went to Somerset PA for my appointment since there was no way I was going alone.

The dentist made me watch this little corny video about root canals and then I went in for the procedure.

At first the dentist thought I would have to have it done in two visits because my abcess was so bad but he was able to get it all out and done in the one visit. It took about 1.5-2 hours for it to be completed but there was NO PAIN! Now I just have to go to my regular dentist and get the tooth filled.

They drilled a hole through the crown that was already on my tooth so all I need is a "patch job" and it will be all done. But I am back on antibiotics AGAIN just to make sure the infection goes away.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Can I just say I love CVS and Coupon Shopping?

For the past year I've been trying to save money shopping by using coupons and buying on sale. I've done a great job!

One store I shop at is CVS. I get so much FREE stuff at CVS it isn't even funny. They have a program called the Extra Care Buck program and it's awesome.

I've got some photos of my cvs stockpile that I'll share below:

All my laundry detergent! I no longer pay more than $1 a bottle for Laundry detergent.

Medicine! This gets handed out to everyone we know since it expires so quickly but I'm always getting medicine from CVS

Big box on the right holds razors and blades, in the middle from bottom to top is: vitamins, Makeup, and toothbrushes. On the left the bottom box holds air freshener adn the top box is holding a bunch of Post it notes!

Air Freshners and cleaners, tissues, Charmin wipes, Hair color, and cough drops

Top left to right: Shampoo, Conditioner, Bar soap and hand soap
Bottom left to right: Toothpaste, Feminine products, and Body wash

Box on the right holds mouthwash the other box holds facial cleaners on the far left is misc items

Top box holds hair styler and men's hair dye
Bottom large boxes holds shaving cream/lotion, and Deodorant

This is not showing the stockpile of Toiletpaper, paper towels, cleaning products, gift bags, Dog and Cat food and treats, dishwashing liquid, Food, coffee, soda, and bottled water.

I pay less than $20 a month to bring home hundreds of dollars worth of stuff that we would usually have to buy at full price. It's also nice to be able to give items to people who need help.

Just an update

Well the work on the house has been going slow. Dave's sick so not much has been done. We did pick up paint and shelving for dad's bedroom closet and a door for the bathroom. Hopefully we'll get something done this week.

On the TTC front we should know in two weeks if this month was sucessful or not. We're not holding out hope but they do say it's easier to get pregnant the month following an HSG so maybe we'll get lucky!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Went shopping and house progress

I went shopping last night and bought us a new Grill. We needed a new one as the one we were using came with us from San Antionio and was getting OLD. The new one is BIG and so nice. I plan on grilling up some dinner tonight as soon as Dave gets home from work.

In other news we're still working on the guest bathroom and Dad's room. All that's left to do in Dad's room is paint the closet and finish painting the room. Finish putting poly on the built in desk and lay the flooring and put up trim.

The bathroom needs the rest of the marble layed on the floor and the drywall finished and painted. And then the rest of the wainscotting and trim. The clawfoot tub needs the outside painted. Everything needs installed. We've got everything except the light fixture for over the vanity but we'll get that this week. It's all going to look great.

I'll post finished pictures when it's done. (sorry haven't posted living room pictures it's not quite finished as it's being used as the hold all while other rooms are being worked on LOL

Test results back

Well I got my test results back from the doctor. They were negative. My doctor has no idea why I keep developing an infection in the second trimester causing loss.

So I've been given the green light to start trying again! Woo hoo! The doctor told me that when I get pregnant again that they will be doing the cerclage early (between 11-12 weeks) and I most likely will be on antibiotics the entire pregnancy and of course no sex (I don't know why the doctor insists on telling me this. Every pregnancy so far I've been on sex restriction from the get go so we already know this LOL)

He'll also be testing me for everything under the sun once I get pregnant. Hopefully this will work we want a baby so badly.

I really hope we can have a baby on our own. I don't want to go down the surrogate road but we will if we have to. I'm just glad that option is open to us.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Drs Appointment 4/24

I went for my follow up with my RE doctor. I'm being tested for a couple things to find out why I keep getting infections. The doctor also put both of us (Dave and I) on an antibiotic in case we have a bacterial infection (there is one that is thought to cause miscarriages but it's hard to test for so it's easier to treat it)

So I'm waiting for the test results and then most likely will go back to the doctor. We're still waiting for a green light to try again. (one more month to wait!)

The doctor did say that with my next pregnancy that he will do the cerclage at 11-12 weeks (before it starts changing) and he'll most likely keep me on antibiotics the entire pregnancy to prevent infection I'm hoping that will solve the problem.

Monday, April 21, 2008

HSG Today

I had my HSG today. My doctor (the RE) did the test. It wasn't horrible, hardly any pain and it was over rather quickly. They did not find anything wrong with my uterus, only a slight bump from being pregnant recently. No septums nothing abnormal at all. So we'll have to check something else. I go back to talk to the doctor further on Thursday.

It's at least a good thing that there are no abnormalities which means that I most likely do not need surgery. But then again we are still waiting to find out the reason why this keeps happening so we can fix it and start trying again.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Got my Appointment

I'm scheduled for my HSG for April 21st. Then my follow up with the doctor is scheduled for the 24th. Hopefully they find something and we can get to fixing it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doctors Appointment today

I went to my postpartum 6 week checkup today. Dave went with me and it was an ordeal. First they were doing repairs on some of the elevators so we had to wait in line to use the elevators (a security guard was in front of the stairs door for some reason) Then we end up waiting an hour for the doctor only to find out that my doctor (the Fertilty Specilist/High Risk OB) is in ITALY on vacation. So I saw two other doctors (one of which I saw when I was in the hospital).

I was told that the pathology report showed that there was infection found in the placenta (the same thing that happened the first time) no idea why it's happening.

I am also being scheduled for a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) According to this Website

A hysterosalpingogram is an X-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes which allows visualization of the inside of the uterus and tubes. The picture will reveal any abnormalities of the uterus as well as tubal problems such as blockage and dilation.

They want to check the inside of my uterus to make sure that there are no problems there. If there are then surgery may be needed to fix it. This will be scheduled sometime in the next few weeks. My doctor (the one in Italy) is the one who does this test so I have to wait for him to get back.

I was also told that next time I get pregnant I will need a cerclage earlier. Since they did the cerclage last time after I started dilating the doctor thinks that I was already in preterm labor when they did the cerclage.

On other note I got my baby's pictures today. They also gave me a plaster cast of his little feet. I also have the outfit they took his picture in along with the blanket and very small stuffed animal. It's heartbreaking but I'm glad I have them. It's much more than I have for my first baby. All I got with him was a polaroid picture.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our new addition to the family!

We got a new puppy yesterday! His name is Bandit and he's 4 months old. He's an Australian Shepherd/Lab mix and he's super cute. He's been following us around everywhere. He's fitting in pretty good although Scooby is a little unsure of him. I think he's jealous that Dave is paying attention to a new puppy and not just him.

Here are some pictures of Bandit playing with his puppy teething key ring. So cute!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I just wanted to update about me and to wish everyone Happy Easter.

It's been three weeks and I'm doing better. I'm trying to not let myself sink into depression like last time and am working with Dave on getting the house done.

We're almost done on Dad's room and then we can start on the guest bathroom. Our house is so close to being finished.

As for the doctor update. My appointment is April 10th. From there most likely we'll be scheduling tests and finding out the cause of all the losses. We're hoping to be able to start TTC again this summer. Hopefully my doctor can help us have a baby. It's heartbreaking for both of us to not have a child together after four pregnancies. Something has to give. I'll update after my doctor's appointment.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

We lost the baby :(

I just wanted to update and let everyone know that I had my baby yesterday morning. I went to the hospital Wednesday with contractions and was immediately taken to L/D and was given medicine to stop the contractions. The medicine wasn't helping so I was transfered to the high risk hospital Thursday.

The medicine they gave me wasn't helping either and then my water started leaking. They did an ultrasound to check the baby and found no heartbeat. I had my cerclage removed and delivered a few hours later. He was a little boy we named him Trent Michael he was beautiful and perfect. He looked so much like his daddy. I'm devastated to be in the position again in my life.

I go back to my high risk OB in 6 weeks to start testing why this keeps happening to me.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Just sneaking online for a minute while SO is out of the room lol. He's determined to keep me in bed for the next two days.

The cerclage went ok. I went to the hospital at 11 am and got checked in. Got to hear babys HB and then had an iv put in and it hurt. I've had quite a few ivs and this one seemed much bigger then normal. I have very small veins and the IV spot still hurts but it's ok.

I had to wait what seemed like forever for my doctor because everyone was in doing an emergency c/s as the nurse said there is no schedule in L/D baby's come when they want to lol.

When I finally got to see my doctor it happened really fast. They decided to give me a spinal so I had to drink this foul tasting sour liquid which was the worst stuff I've ever had in my mouth LOL. Then I was taken back to the O.R. Can I just say that room was freezing lol.

I had the spinal done which I will NEVER ever agree to have done again it was the worse part of the whole thing LOL. It hurt horribly. After that I went completely numb and couldn't tell what was going on below my waist.

After that I went to recovery and started the long wait to get feeling back in my legs. It really is horrible to not be able to move your lower half. I got some crackers and juice a little later and was given pain medicine and some other medicine to relax my uterus to prevent contractions (which I had to take every 6 hours last night a total of 4 doses) and then when I could finally feel everything but my butt I got to get up and walk and go to the bathroom.

My doctor said everything went great and I have to go back to see him next Thursday but all in all I'm feeling great.

I've stopped taking the pain medication because the only thing that hurts right now is my back (at the injection site) and it's not that bad. Hopefully this works for us.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

16 weeks 4 days

I went to my follow up high risk OB appointment today and had my ultrasound. Baby looks great is measuring about two days behind but was told that's normal. My cervix however went from 2.9 last week to 1.9 this week so it's getting shorter and I've been offically diagnosed with incompetent cervix. So my doctor has me scheduled for a cerclage tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 11 am ( and it's over an hours drive away) and my surgery isn't until 1pm. I'm so nervous I don't know what to expect and I don't even know if this will save my baby. I'm so lost and confused. I was told my only other option would be to do nothing and go on complete bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy which isn't guaranteed or even have really great odds. I didn't even think to ask about the odds of a cerclage. He did say that because it was found early and isn't considered an emergency cerclage (meaning my cervix is still firm and closed emergency is when it's already started opening) that the chances are better since emergency cerclages rarely work. So I'm hoping that's a good thing.

On baby news we tried to find the sex today but no go. The little guy was moving around so much it was so funny. He kept flipping and turning and everytime she tried to zoom in and get a closer look he would keep moving his legs like he was running. So funny so I guess I won't find out for a couple more weeks.

I did get my 1 hour glucose test today and I know I'm going to fail it because I had a sugery meal about an hour and a half before it. The nurse said it should be fine but we'll see. I also had a couple other tests done today to check for certain mutations in my blood and I also had the triple screen test done. Which I didn't really want to get done but my high risk OB didn't really give me that option which I thought was weird and I wasn't really in the mood to argue with him.

I did get some really good pictures of the baby so I'll share them. I'll try to update you all most likely saturday since I doubt I'll feel up to doing anything tomorrow.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Second High Risk OB appointment

I went to my follow up high risk appointment today to get my cervix checked again. My high risk OB says my cervix is closed on both ends and it's not short enough to worry yet. They don't want to do a cerclege unless they have. They did find fluid near my cervix which is what he says the other doctors saw and thought was opening. (No idea why the fluid is there because baby is FINE) But to be safe I go back again in a week for another appointment and ultrasound.

And can I just add that I LOVE my high risk ultrasound tech. Even though I went in for a cervix check she let me see baby and gave me a picture! My regular OB ultrasounds I'm not allowed to see the screen UGH I don't like that (they are done at the hospital not at the OB's office like the high risk ones)

So I get to go back on the 21st and get both and adominal and transvaginal ultrasound that time. (I'm hoping we get to peek at baby's goods LOL)

Baby was VERY active today (compared to last week when he/she wouldn't move at all LOL) Was kicking me like crazy and just moving all around. Got a good profile picture. The heartbeat was 160 BPM. I can't believe how big this one is getting!

Monday, February 11, 2008

2nd Drs Appointment today

Had my second appointment today with my regular OB office. Everything is looking good I'm immune to everything I'm supposed to be immune to and all my bloodwork is looking good. Got to listen to the heartbeat via doppler. The doctor warned me that it may take a while to find the heartbeat and then the first place he checked there it was fast and strong. 156 BPM Such a beautiful sound.

I should be moving into a schedule of every two weeks I'll be seeing a doctor. That way it's easier to switch between the regular OB and the High Risk OB. Which will be nice to arrainge around my work schedule. My next regular appointment is at 19 weeks. Which worries me because of my loss at almost 18 weeks but I'll be seeing the high risk doctor between now and then. Just trying not to worry.

It looks like my Big Ultrasound won't be scheduled until 20 weeks (which sucks lol) but I'm hoping at my next ultrasound check on the 25th the tech might be able to tell me what sex this baby is LOL. I'll be 17 weeks then. Of course I might have a high risk appointment before then and they do an ultrasound every time. I'm really enjoying watching this baby grow.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

14 weeks 4 days Ultrasound

I had my first High Risk OB appointment today. Everything looks good some concern about my cervix length so I have to go back to get it checked next Thursday (Valentine's Day) The doctor is thinking they are most likely going to have to put a cerclage in (a stitch to keep it closed) but anything to keep this baby in is ok with me. The Ultrasound tech kept trying to get baby to move but he wanted nothing to do with it LOL. Lots of poking and trying to move him and he finally wiggled and moved his arms. So cute. Dave and I are thinking boy but no telling until end of February beginning of March. I can't wait.

Here are some pictures
Here are baby's Legs the first time I've gotten to see the legs I was so excited LOL

Baby's Face

Side view of Baby's body

Front View of baby. Good look at face and ribs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

11 week ultrasound

I had my first appointment with my OB on monday. Everything was great and looking good. My next appointment is for Feb 11 (i think) with the other doctor in the practice. Should be able to hear the heartbeat by then LOL.

I also had all my bloodwork done (fun fun fun) yuck. But at least it's done for a few weeks lol.

Also scheduled my ultrasounds. I get an ultrasound every two weeks until the end of April. So I get to see lots of my baby.

I had the first one today. Everything looked great the baby was moving around and I saw it's little arms and legs. So cute! Heartbeat was 180 BPM

Here is a picture

11 weeks photo

Saturday, January 5, 2008

So Sick

Ugh I feel horrible. I've got a horrible head cold. Sore throat, congestion, runny nose, just a general yucky feeling and the worst part is I CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING FOR IT. I called my doctor and was told tylenol only. I don't need tylenol I need something stronger so I'm getting ready to go back to bed because at least when I'm sleeping I feel ok LOL.

Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

Yep that's right! Dave and I are expecting a baby! I'm currently 9 weeks 5 days and it's going well. I am high risk because of my previous losses but that's ok because it means I get to see the doctor every two weeks and I've already had two ultrasounds. I should be getting an ultrasound at least every month if not more often. Which I think is awesome. It's so wonderful getting to see our baby grow.
I was seeing a Fertility Specilist (RE) and I was released from his care on Monday and am now seeing my regular OB whom I adore. He's very nice and really cares about his patients. I have my first OB appointment on January 14th. I've already seen the RE twice (monday being the last time) and got my two ultrasounds with him. First was on 12/10 and I saw the heartbeat! Then on Monday I went and actually got to see the baby. With little legs and arms and everything. Very cute. My due date is August 3 (doctor says August 5th but I'm measuring a couple days ahead lol)
Here is the picture of our little one. We're very excited!