Thursday, February 7, 2008

14 weeks 4 days Ultrasound

I had my first High Risk OB appointment today. Everything looks good some concern about my cervix length so I have to go back to get it checked next Thursday (Valentine's Day) The doctor is thinking they are most likely going to have to put a cerclage in (a stitch to keep it closed) but anything to keep this baby in is ok with me. The Ultrasound tech kept trying to get baby to move but he wanted nothing to do with it LOL. Lots of poking and trying to move him and he finally wiggled and moved his arms. So cute. Dave and I are thinking boy but no telling until end of February beginning of March. I can't wait.

Here are some pictures
Here are baby's Legs the first time I've gotten to see the legs I was so excited LOL

Baby's Face

Side view of Baby's body

Front View of baby. Good look at face and ribs.

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