Sunday, July 1, 2007

Vacation Time and Dave's birthday

I get to take vacation this week. (Well from Wednesday to Monday) I can't wait. We're BBQing for the 4th. And then Dave's birthday is on the 5th. Just making him a nice dinner and baking him a cake. Birthday present will have to wait to next paycheck since my surgery is on the 6th and I have to pay 20% lol.

I'm also planning on working on my flower beds near the garage. I bought some flowerbulbs and will be putting them in the ground probably wednesday. I already sprayed the area with roundup grass and weed killer. I hope it works. I'm planting hollyhocks and dahlias.

We've also got most of the living room floor almost finished we've started putting the poly on it yesterday. Hopefully the third coat we'll do tomorrow will be enough lol

Surgery Scheduled

So I've finally got my dental surgery scheduled. This friday 7/6 they will be putting me under with IV sedation where I'll be completely under. (Thank goodness) And they will be cutting out all for wisdom teeth. I have no idea what to expect. I'm guessing I'm going to be in pain for a couple days or so but I will be so glad to have these suckers out.

I've also got an eye appointment that morning. I'm on my last pair of contacts so I need a new exam to get more.