Friday, June 13, 2008

Root Canal

Can I just say that having a root canal on Friday the 13th is just freaky. That's right I had a root canal on friday the 13th. I was scared to death everyone I know told me that it was going to hurt horribly. So Dave and I went to Somerset PA for my appointment since there was no way I was going alone.

The dentist made me watch this little corny video about root canals and then I went in for the procedure.

At first the dentist thought I would have to have it done in two visits because my abcess was so bad but he was able to get it all out and done in the one visit. It took about 1.5-2 hours for it to be completed but there was NO PAIN! Now I just have to go to my regular dentist and get the tooth filled.

They drilled a hole through the crown that was already on my tooth so all I need is a "patch job" and it will be all done. But I am back on antibiotics AGAIN just to make sure the infection goes away.