Sunday, April 12, 2009

6w 1 day

I went for my first ultrasound on friday just to confirm everything was ok. Got to see our baby for the first time. The little heart was just beating away and the doctor said everything looks great. I was referred to my RE's high risk office and have my first appointment there on April 24th. They are going to do everything they can to help us bring our baby home. My Due date is December 3, 2009! We couldn't be happier!

Great News

So we've been seeing our fertility specialist since early February. I went to see him because I wasn't ovulating on my own causing me not to get my peroid for something like 3 months. He was great! He started me on provera to start a period then put me on Clomid to help me ovulate. On day 13 of my cycle I went in for an ultrasound and I had not one but TWO follicles growing! I was advised to take ovulation predictor kits and well....

Happy Easter

I've been so horrible in updating this blog but I guess it's because nothing big has been going on lol. We've been working on the house slowly but nothing big yet. We're close to starting the kitchen. We've got most of the old ceiling torn out and most of the floor replaced. Just need some drywall and then we'll be ready for cabinets!

I can't wait to finish the kitchen as I'd really like to be able to bake and cook like I want to. It's hard to do anything elaborate with little space.

One new thing we got for the house is a new front load washer and dryer. We got them on black friday and I LOVE them. Never thought I'd be one to love an appliance lol.