Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Garden update

The garden is growing like weeds! Not going to be long before we get to start harvesting so far all we've gotten is broccoli but it was nice broccoli!

Jalapeno Peppers






Cherry Tomatoes

Green Peppers

And for some more permanant plants:
Gooseberries we found hiding behind a plum tree. They are starting to get ripe.

Blueberries finally in their frames that I built!

Close up of a blueberry box

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


While we're outside gardening the dogs just have to come out and lounge in the heat. Here is Princess showing off her lovely swimming goggles.

Scooby lounging in the shade.

Baby in the nice cool grass.

Princess over looking the grapes.

Garden is Blooming!

Now that summer is here our garden is taking off. It's still new since it's only been in the ground less than a month but things are happening already!

We finished our grape "fence" using recycled materials. It will look better once the grapes grows in. We've got green, red, and purple grapes there.

Got our cherry trees put in. Only planted two types of sweet cherries this year. They were out of pie cherries before I could get to the store.

And of course our peach tree. Don't mind the weeds I broke the weed wacker and we haven't fixed it yet lol.

We also have blueberries in. Haven't fixed their space yet so just a closeup of blueberries!

Dave also made me a really nice raised bed for our Strawberry plants. They are already starting to produce!

As for our Garden here are some random pictures of stuff starting to produce.




We've got a lot more planted but no good pictures of them. We were in the process of watering the garden and man that sprinkler lets to hit me all the time :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring is here...Finally!

After a horrible winter with record snow falls spring is finally here! Flowers are blooming and it's been so warm. It's wonderful.

I'm having fun working out in the yard. We've been planting fruit trees and bushes this past weekend and Dave and I went to Lowes and got two more trees last night. So much garden stuff is out already I'm resisting the veggies can't plant those until end of May but the TREES oh I can't stop planting trees. We now have seven raspberry bushes, (2 black, 2 red, 2 yellow, and a purple), 2 blueberry bushes, 2 cherry trees and a peach tree planted in the yard.

I have strawberries growing in a hanging planter and I plan on getting a pie cherry tree and maybe a plum before it's all over. Good thing we have a large yard. We've also started cleaning up the garden area so we can get it plowed and fertilized to be ready for planting. I so enjoy living in the country there is nothing like home grown produce.