Saturday, August 2, 2008


Just wanted to post an update since it's been forever. We've finished our guest bathroom. It looks great. I'll post a photo when I finish touching up everything.

Our garden is doing great. We've got squash, zuchinni, cucumbers, and peppers coming out of our ears lol. We're still waiting for the green beans, tomatoes, corn, and watermelons to ripen. I'm probably going to can some jalepenos next week or so. They are growing out of control. Dave's happy he loves jalepenos. (yuck) so it would be nice to get a few jars put up from this years crop.

We've also started on the kitchen. We have to do it in pieces but part of the floor has been replaced and we bought the lumber to raise the ceiling. I'm so excited once this is done we can start planning and building cabinets! I'm getting completly custom cabinets made by Dave and I just can't wait to have all that storage space!

Once the kitchen is done we'll only have to do the mudroom and pantry and that section of the house will be done. Then all that's left is the laundry room, both master bathrooms, our bedroom, and the basement! WOO HOO we're so close to being done.

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